Whiteness: Part One

February 10–12, 2022
Presented by La MaMa and CultureHub


This immersive music video cantata surrounds the viewer in a white void, while a chorus of floating heads muse (in 4-40-part harmony) on privilege, appropriation, and the history (or plague) of “whiteness” in the U.S.A. Told through chants, rants and micro-pop songs, Whiteness: Part One is a humorous self-interrogation of Pinto's maddening inner thoughts as a mixed-race American, visibly brown, and invisibly trying to not be so white. Set to a whirling video installation directed by Neal, the duo is reflecting the silliness, the severity, and the anxieties of skin color.

Whiteness: Part One was developed in the CultureHub Residency Program. Originally commissioned by Prototype Festival with additional support by Some Serious Business and a Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant.

Music and Words Written and Performed by Paul Pinto
Video Design and Direction by Kameron Neal
Sound Design by Philip White and Bernd Klug
Cinematography by ZANNI Productions
Projection and Audio Systems by CultureHub


 | Undefined Spaces: Paul Pinto & Kameron Neal | 6:07